On Call Day to Day Substitute (location: TBD)

2023-2024 School Year



contact Courtney Tazziz, ctazziz@falmouth.k12.ma.us to make arrangements. 




Substitute Teachers:

Individuals serving as substitute teachers shall be licensed teachers except as hereinafter provided.  If licensed teachers are not available, non-licensed staff may be employed under the conditions set below. 


In addition to these requirements, a current CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) must be completed every year. A Fingerprint Background Check is also required. 


Hours: Substitutes at minimum must arrive 10 minutes before the school day begins for students and remain 10 min after school day concludes.


For school hours please see individual schools listed below:


Falmouth High School 7:22am - 2:03pm

Lawrence School  8:15am - 2:45pm

Morse Pond School 8:25am-2:50pm


All Elementary Schools: 9:05am - 3:30pm

Mullen Hall School  

North Falmouth School 

East Falmouth School 

Teaticket School 


SALARY: $130 per day     

In addition to these requirements, a current CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) must be completed every year, as well as a Fingerprint Background Check.


Please contact Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education if you would like to begin the process of becoming licensed at: http://www.doe.mass.edu/licensure/academic-prek12/


APPLICATION:  Please apply to: Falmouth Public Schools



Lori Duerr, Ed.D.   Superintendent of Schools


#Day to Day SubTeach24-70


The School Committee affirms a policy which guarantees equal employment opportunity in the recruitment, application, selection, compensation, retention, transfer, promotion, benefits, work assignment and career progression process without discrimination on the basis of race*, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition, active marital status, familial status, genetic information, ancestry, national origin, ethnic background, immigration status, English language proficiency, religion, military/veteran status, homeless status, age, or any other category protected by state or federal law.
*race includes traits historically associated with race, including, but not limited to, hair texture, hair type, hair length, and protective hairstyles.